Lately, I’ve been getting calls from people wanting to know how can they live a more successful life. The truth is we can never live a successful life if we are afraid of failing. In life we must get out of our comfort zones and take risks in order to achieve happiness and success. Hopefully, the words in the next few paragraphs will help those seeking to achieve their goals to take the correct actions to do so.
“Everyone wants security in life, but what constitutes security? How long does it last? Is there really even such a thing?
Many people stay in jobs they dislike because it offers them financial security. They can’t wait for the weekend to come so they can get a break from their jobs – yet they will let thoughts of returning to their jobs ruin their weekend. The need for comfort and security, and the fear of not having it, causes people to settle – but placing yourself in a box is not really living at all. It places limits on what you can do. Being too comfortable stunts our growth – and can cause us to miss out on many of life’s greatest pleasures.
Living is much more enjoyable when you’re doing something that you love. In fact, that is the difference between simply having a job and having a career. Getting out of one’s comfort zone and taking risks allows people to use their natural instincts, hone their survival skills and know their limits. Being brave enough to face your fears will not only enable you to excel in life but also to discover who you truly are.
Don’t be afraid to fly. Many of us go along simply doing what society expects of us. Unfortunately this makes us just dreamers – not people who are following their dreams. If you want to become a singer, basketball player, doctor, lawyer, or entrepreneur – do it, don’t think about it. Don’t worry about your money situation, or what people will think or say. Just take the risk and you will find that your survival instincts will come alive to guide you. At first, money may be tight – but you will get by fine and the money will come. The main thing is to remember that money does not bring true happiness. It helps us in many ways, but it means nothing if you’re not being true to yourself.
Another reason people don’t take risks is because they care too much about what someone else may think. This is just an excuse for not trying. News for you, the people that love you are going to love you regardless of what you do. The people who truly love you only want you to be happy. The fact of the matter is that we let money, and what others think of us, control our lives to the point that our lives are not ours anymore.
“It’s a Bitter Sweet Symphony this life,
Trying to make ends meet,
You’re a Slave to MONEY then you die,”
(Lyrics from Bitter Sweet Symphony / The Verve)
Stop complaining that you’re stuck in a dead-end job and do something about it. Be about it, dream about it, do it and live it. Stop saying, “I will try” – either do it or don’t. Stop saying “if” and start saying “when.” Realize that there are going to be many hard times and sacrifices, but that is what life is made of. If you are going to have to go through hard times (and we all inevitably do) then you might as well do it for something you love.
We all have the choice to lead or follow, be the leader. Remember that people in worse positions than you took the initiative to become who they wanted to be – and succeeded. The winners are those that desire to fly so badly that they don’t fear falling out of the sky. The only true failure is not giving it a shot. No matter what comes your way, know that you are going to be okay – because you are giving your all – and life rewards that.” – TAKE RISKS, GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE
The piece above is from my first book You Ain’t Hungry Until I’m Starving.