Life is Short

Life is short
The only certainty in Life is Death.
Is Death a part of Life
Or is Life a part of Death?
Only thing I’m sure of is we lost too many too young
Robbing us of future memories together
While leaving us of past memories.
Life is short
And Death is a friend we don’t want to see soon.
Let’s not fear Death
Or take life for granted.
We should use our time living to the fullest
But take time to reflect on moments passed.
Life is short
But a Life of Regrets is a long Life to live.
So tell your loved ones you love them
Spend your time wisely
And don’t waste your life living in fear
Or being unhappy.
Life is short
So why waste it hating others?
Death is certain
So why not leave a positive Legacy behind?
Time is all that we are given
So why not be a Blessing to the world
Before our time runs out?