Today, we as a great nation celebrate. We celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as well as celebrate Barack Obama becoming the United States first African-American president. This nation, great and proud, has come a long way from the struggles and differences of yesteryear.
Yet, forgive me for not celebrating loudly with you all. Forgive me for the sadness that is on my face. However, I will not ask for forgiveness for the tears that I cry. My tears are of pain – and great joy.
My tears of joy are for the fight of our ancestors that have made it possible for history to be made today. Their pain – the marches and the beatings – were not in vain. Dr. King, along with other civil rights leaders, paved the way for this day to come.
My fellow Americans, forgive me for being the bearer of bad news in these joyous times. Although our journey has yielded some victories – the journey is far from over. We will only reach the end of the road, which we call the Promised Land, by lovingly joining together.
Dr. King did not just speak of equal rights for blacks. He spoke about equality among all minorities, which includes race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation and social class. Dr. King also stood for peace, both abroad and at home.
However, in order for us to truly love one another and bring positive change into this world, we must first learn to love ourselves. We must become the change we want to see. We must all step up and make change – even when others are afraid. Men must actively become fathers to their children. Women must honor and guard their self-respect.
The dream will become a reality but we must first stand up against injustice. While we are all created equal, we are still not all treated as equals. Poverty, segregation and discrimination still exist – they are just more hidden now. The best education goes to those in higher economic classes and better neighborhoods. Programs in the lower economic communities are the first to get cut. Giving the rich more educational opportunities will not better this great nation – or the world. The goal should be for all people to live a peaceful life – so that peace will travel far and wide.
We have not yet overcome but we will overcome soon. We will not be free until all are free from oppression. Yes, change is happening – and change is coming. Keep dreaming. The Promised Land is at hand. So let me cry my tears of joy and pain for the greatest race, the human race. I will celebrate loudly with you all soon enough – but for bigger reasons than what is taking place now. Peace be with you.
“A DREAM DEFERRED/CHANGE NOT YET COME”, is a excerpt out of You Ain’t Hungry Until I’m Starving by Vid Lamonte’ Buggs Jr.